Julia Lord Literary Management Submissions

Julia Lord Literary Management is a small, tenacious literary agency working with high quality writers in adult fiction and nonfiction. Julia began her agenting career in 1985 working for actors at the Monty Silver Agency. She opened his literary department representing writers for film, television and theater. She moved to books eventually opening Julia Lord Literary Management in 1999. Her mission is very hands on –to work with writers to develop their careers –work with them from idea through publication and marketing. Her office is known for her steadfast commitment to each and every author and book project. Julia Lord Literary Management Submissions are as follows:

E-mail queries can be sent to query@julialordliterarymgt.com. We read every query but only respond to those we are interested in pursuing. Because of security concerns we do not open or respond to any e-mails that have attachments, so please be sure to put your query letter in the body of your e-mail. Please also paste your synopsis and the first five pages of your manuscript into the body of your e-mail.

Snail Mail Queries: Please include your synopsis and the first five pages of your manuscript. Be sure to enclose a self-addressed stamped envelope (SASE) for our reply. If you would like to receive your partial or manuscript back if we should decline, make sure to include enough postage for its return. Please use U.S. stamps or, where unavailable, International Reply Coupons (IRCs) from your local post office. Do not send pre-paid FedEx or UPS mailers or metered postage for the return of your materials.

